Customer Relationship Management (CRM)Autotask Professional Services Automation (PSA)

Bigger Brains

Bigger Brains is the #1 portal for end-user training. With over 200 courses on Microsoft 365, QuickBooks, HIPAA, Email Management, Cybersecurity, and more, Bigger Brains course have won numerous awards from Elearning magazine, Training Industry, and Talented Learning, among others.  Through the Bigger Brains eLearning app, BrainStation, IT providers can make sure their clients have all the skills they need to grow their businesses and get the most from their technology solutions.  

Bigger Brains Client Import makes it easy to provision customers and end-users in the Bigger Brains web portal and Microsoft Teams app.  With just a few clicks IT service providers can create a client team in Bigger Brains and populate it with appropriate end users from their Autotask PSA directory.

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